Hi, all! I know it’s been a long time, so I thought I’d start my first blog post on my brand new website by explaining a few things. But before I do that, I’d like to say hello again to anyone reading. I’ve missed reaching out to my readers and I can’t wait to share what I have in store for you. Hope you and your families are all well.
1. Where was I during this entire time of internet silence?
The short answer? Having babies. Babies take a lot of work (who knew, right?)! It took me a long time to learn to juggle my job and home life with these new, fantastic humans in my care. The good news is that I now have a work schedule more conducive to writing (as long as my son doesn’t wake up at the crack of dawn like he has since time change). I wouldn’t trade them for the world, of course, but they do make writing a slower process. Please forgive them. :)
2. Did I quit writing?
No way on earth will I ever quit writing as long as I’m alive and of sound mind. I’m admittedly not great at throwing stuff about myself on the internet. But I’m in love with writing and I’ll never stop. During my silence, I wrote three complete books. That’s two for my current series and a stand-alone I plan to release when this series is over. I’m working on the third and final book in the series while preparing for my new release (five chapters in so far).
3. What is this series about?
My upcoming trilogy is about a woman who wakes up on an island without any memories of how she got there or even who she is. A mystery unfolds as she navigates her life from that point and finds herself at the center of an insidious plan to bring down the First French Empire. It’s filled with adventurous twists and sweet romance, as my favorite stories are. I’m excited to finally put it out to the world. Side note: while the novels are a series, they contain no cliffhanger endings this time. Just thought you should know!
Well, that’s the long and the short of it for now. I plan to use this blog to share my life and interests more often. I’ll take you on my travel adventures, delve into genealogy, and keep you in the loop about my new books, of course. Thank you for joining me in this new chapter. I can’t wait!